Audio Libraries on Seismic Radio

There are a lot of invaluable talks hidden away on old tapes, disk drives and
memory sticks. Over the years we have collected a wealth of Bible messages which
are extremely interesting to listen to again. Now we have several audio
libraries in this section. Just click on a particular library and look at the
talks available. Then either do a left mouseclick to listen to the talk from
your computer or smartphone or do a rightclick to download the talk so you can
listen to it later at a time convenient to you.
At Seismic Radio we do have in excess 1000 talks which we will make available in
due time. Therefore come back again to this page and check it out for any
John's Audio Library
John has been around for many decades. He has been actively involved in
ministry for many years. Some time ago doing a clearout he let us have his
tape library with containing tapes dating from the the late 70ies to the
90ies. It is estimated that there are about 300 to 400 talks dealing with
vast variety of subjects are on the tapes. We are slowly digitising them and
releasing them to the public. The talks are not just from John but from many
well known speakers at that time.
Click on the Library to enter the collection:
Alan's Audio Library
Alan Maybury has worked as a University Professor in Engineering for most of
his life. He also has lead ch
throughout his career and is a gifted speaker.
At the moment he is involved in the church leadership of All Nations
Community Church in Leeds, West Yorkshire, England.
The audio library contains talks delivered by Alan and from other
speakers at All Nations Community Church.
If you like the talks why not visit and leave a message there for Alan or you can
contact us at
Click on the jukebox to access the audio library!